DENORA plays with EGR ligature


Denora started to use saxophone ligature and reeds of EGR company from Spain. Unique handmade ligatures with great quality is choice of Denora now.

“I found EGR ligature very nice and also very very good sounding for my saxophone,i want to make new photosession with it soon, ligature is so artistic, elegant. They have all colors, but i like most golden. Its jewerly for sax:)

I used famous Selmer ligature before, now im in love with EGR. Its beautiful. I think, thanks to unusual design of EGR, reed is more free for vibration, whats creating better sound of saxophone.

Reeds of same brand are great too, i use reeds EGR N2, my sax is like singing itself, i adore it!  just got it and i really enjoy sound!

 Big Thank U to EGR, i highly recommend it to other sax and clarinet players”, Denora says.

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